Where personal growth and business growth go hand in hand

Are you looking for a safe space where you can meet new people, share your ideas and get inspiration and feedback? 

You have found the right place. Welcome to The Stand Point Network.


We at The Stand Point Network were inspired to create a welcoming and warm space for business and entrepreneurs that are searching for new ways to grow and exchange experiences with other individuals that are in a similar situation.

We advocate that personal growth should be as important as business growth in order to achieve long-term wellbeing for you and your business.

We want to change the way we do business and make networking a healthier and happier experience. We all have so much to learn from each other and networking is a great opportunity to grow personally and as entrepreneurs, and we think that you should be able to find a place where you get to ask all your business-related questions and ask for feedback in an unprejudiced space.

Let’s network!

A safe space with diversity, support and business growth at heart.

What we do

Standpoint Networking is a great opportunity to exchange best practice knowledge, learn about the business techniques of your peers and stay abreast of the latest industry developments. A wide network of informed, interconnected contacts means broader access to new and valuable information.

We think that personal growth should be just as important as business growth in order to achieve long-term wellbeing for you and your business. We want to change the way we do business and make networking a healthier and happier experience.

We all have so much to learn from each other and networking is a great opportunity to grow personally and as entrepreneurs, and we think that you should be able to find a place where you get to ask all your business-related questions and ask for feedback in an unprejudiced space.

Our Next Event

Welcome to our Birthday celebration!

Thu, Jun 2, 2022, 5:30 PM (GMT)

Welcome to our Birthday celebration!

We turned one recently!

To celebrate we want to gather our favourite people and listen to your stories and ideas.

The rundown of the meeting will go like this.

Introduction about The Standpoint
Special Guest 1
Special Guest 2
Party Game!
Special Guest 3
Special Guest 4
Closing celebration and Final Thoughts.

This meeting is all about celebration, and looking into why we may not celebrate ourselves enough or in the most positive way!

Come and join us for a wonderful evening.


Who is it for and our why

The idea for The Standpoint is that it is there for everyone, we don’t care if you are in the same sector as another member, if you are new to networking or if you are a seasoned professional (a Networking Gentleman of Negotiable affection some may call you). We all have a unique insight into life and different people can give different points of view.

We are here because we want networking to be more than just a stuffy meeting with a collection of people who while we know what they do from a professional point of view, we potentially don’t know who they are as a person, their reason for being in business and what their passions are.

The Standpoint doesn’t work in terms of enforced referrals, when our members refer to each other we want it to be due to the fact that we know our peers and appreciate what they can do for people that we know.If you are looking for a positive space, where no question is a stupid question and we can all tackle business ownership together, then we cant wait to meet you!

Our Values

Our values surround everything we do, all our actions, and all our meetings. A positive culture is important for us, and we want to ensure that your experience within The Standpoint is memorably positive.

We are fair to everybody. All participants experience the same conditions and are treated equally with no prejudice or bias.


Our ambition is to provide space where people feel comfortable enough to be open and transparent in their statements, and feel like they can ask questions without feeling judged.

Growth & Support

We strive to create a supportive and welcoming community that has business and personal growth as its focus.


One of our goals is that after each interaction with The Stand Point Network, the participant should feel uplifted in their role, inspired, and motivated to continue working towards their goals. Owning a business is hard, and you don’t have to do it alone!


Everyone, from beginners to the more experienced, should feel welcome to join The Stand Point Network. We see diversity as an important part of being able to promote development and innovation between each other.

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Meet Our Team

We are a team from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds and different experiences that came in contact with each other through entrepreneurship and work-life.

We believe that good business is based on long-term and healthy relationships between people. People buy and learn from people and together we want to build a platform where people, regardless of their differences, can get to meet, learn, and get inspired by each other’s experiences and stories.

We want to create a space where you get to know the person behind its role and company name and we want to celebrate your successes and knowledge.

Stan Ferguson-Smith

Stan is your typical 40-something IT person, he drinks too much coffee and spends too much time in front of his computer.

Like his IT own business Stan wanted to create a networking event that was people focused, a place where people could come and ask questions that they may not feel comfortable asking in another networking event. A chance conversation with Robyn and here we are today with a fantastic team.

Stan’s passions in life are RWD Volvo’s, people watching in coffee shops and chocolate covered coffee beans.

Claudia Romero

Claudia is a wonderful calm space in a sometimes crowded world of business ownership and she brings this with her to The Standpoint.

Her role at The EXP Blueprint as a Communications specialist means that she brings a level of understanding that is necessary within our networking meetings when exploring connections and potential collaboration.

She will research anything that you need and her attention to detail means that the notes from our meetings are award winning. She is a valued member of the Standpoint Team!

Amanda Widegren

Amanda is a force to be reckoned with and brings out the best in the businesses she works with at The EXP Blueprint.

She shines a light on how to be positive online and her innovative out of the box thinking creates amazing outcomes for TheStand Point and those that attend our meetings! She is a glorious Networking host, and ensures that we all stay on track and inline with our meeting goal.

Her wonderful personality and brightness brings joy to any conversation, she is a valued member of The Standpoint!

Robyn MacMillian

Robyn’s background allowed her to build a business in which the best minds could flourish on each project. She is data-led, business-minded and creative (A wonderful Mix!). The Stand Point was the brainchild of a conversation she had with Stan Ferguson!

George Wallace

George brings creative ideas to life and is the technical director of The EXP Blueprint. Our first port of call in terms of photography, videography, drone footage, and editing, his content creation skills are wonderful to behold.